In the family of leather boots, the hiking boot is the perfect choice. Following in the footsteps of the more classic boot models, hiking boots are distinguished by their technical details and their thick, notched soles. If they were initially favoured for nature walks, hiking boots have since come a long way. For several seasons now, they have established themselves as trendy and essential footwear: they are now a real reference in terms of men's city shoes.
These shoes are halfway between comfort and practicality. Elegant and all-terrain, they are adorned with iconic rivets and solid laces that contribute to the longevity of these models. Just like the timeless Chelsea Boots, hiking boots are solid shoes that perfectly support your ankles. They ensure a casual walk and are ideal for long walks. A good pair of stylish and durable shoes is probably one of the most important fashion investments you will ever make.
If climbing Mount Everest isn't on your holiday agenda, and hiking isn't your favourite pastime, you too can try the city adventurer look. As trendy as they are comfortable, and definitely modern, these timeless shoes will fit in with any style. Here are the Melvin & Hamilton hiking boots and all our style tips to wear them elegantly.
01 How to wear your hiking boots with suit trousers?
01 How to wear your hiking boots with suit trousers?
Here's a style that's perfectly suited to the cooler temperatures of winter or the warmer weather of autumn. Whether you're heading to the office or a more casual afterwork, the combination of suit trousers and hiking boots will be perfect for a formal silhouette. With these shoes, comfort and elegance will be the key words of your look, to be completed with a white t-shirt and flannel trousers. To set the scene with a casual chic look, choose mineral colours and natural materials for your trousers: wool, cotton or linen. If warm colours and especially brown shades are the colours of the season, you will also find them among the hiking boots of autumn.
02 How to wear your hiking boots with a chino?
02 How to wear your hiking boots with a chino?
You don't have to give up your elegant look to choose comfort, as shown by the combination of chino and hiking boots. With back pockets, the chino is generally made of cotton and comes in a variety of colours, to be chosen according to your desires. They can be worn on all occasions, from the most formal to the most casual. To balance the casual look of the chino, put on a cotton shirt and a well-fitted blazer. For a cooler look, choose a denim shirt, a bomber, and you're done! These bold and timeless shoes are resolutely modern and will accompany you season after season.
03 How to wear your hiking boots with jeans?
03 How to wear your hiking boots with jeans?
To make your life easier and save time in front of your wardrobe, it is difficult to dethrone the timeless jeans and their many variations. Combine your boots and jeans with the trendy winter jacket: a brown model in wool or fur. Under your jacket, slip on a turtleneck jumper, ideal for keeping you warm and protected from the wind. If you're not the type to do things by halves and want to stand out in style, give your silhouette a twist with colourful accessories: a leather belt, a silk scarf or wool socks.