At Melvin & Hamilton, we're grateful for our loyal customers over the years. That's why we've created a program dedicated to rewarding your commitment to our brand. Discover our free loyalty and referral program which gives you access to exclusive advantages from your first purchase if you create a customer account.
Why join the program?

Get discounts & exclusive gifts
When you create an account and make purchases as well as missions at Melvin & Hamilton, you earn points. These can be converted into voucher codes which can be used on the website.

Become an Ambassador
The more points you earn, the more your loyalty program grows: first you're an Insider, then a Trendsetter at 800 points, and finally an Ambassador at 1,600 points.
Count yourself among our most loyal customers and enjoy exclusive gifts!
How does it work?

1. Create a customer account
By creating a customer account at Melvin & Hamilton, you are automatically included in our loyalty program and earn welcome points.

2. Make purchases
Log in to your customer account and collect points when you shop at Melvin & Hamilton. 1€ purchase gives you 2 loyalty points.

3. Complete missions
Earn extra points by completing tasks such as following us on social networks, insert your birthday date...

Share the joy! Give €20, get €20
You want to tell all your friends how amazing these new shoes are?
It's simple, you can share your personal referral link allowing your friend to insert his/her email-address on our website and then he/she receives a special voucher code to use for the first purchase.
Once it's completed, you'll receive an email with your personal code too!
Frequently asked questions
What is the loyalty program from Melvin & Hamilton?
We want to thank you for your loyalty with the free loyalty program from Melvin & Hamilton. You are automatically collecting points with each purchase if you are logged in and you can also gain some extra points with several activities. You can then redeem these points for nice vouchers and reductions. The more points you get, you can evolve in different customer segments and you can enjoy even more benefits.
Is the membership free of charge?
Yes, the program is free for everyone to join.
How can I participate?
If you already have a customer account, you automatically participate in the Loyalty Program. If you create a new customer account, you accept the terms and conditions of being in the Loyalty Program.
I returned one or all of my articles. What happens with the collected points?
You can only collect points for articles that you kept. If you return your entire order, you cannot be granted any points. If you send back only one article, you will collect the points of the article that you kept.
Do my loyalty points expire?
Yes, you collect your points for one year once you sign up. We will remind you in time before the expiration date so that you can still benefit from them. Your redeemed vouchers are valid for 6 months to use.
How long can I use my rewards?
The special voucher codes are valid for 6 months after having been issued, exclusively on our E-shop.
Can I combine different promotions?
All our voucher codes can be applied to every product in store, even on discounted ones! However, you cannot combine two different voucher codes as it's technically not possible.
Can I still get points for past purchases?
No, our program does not work retroactively. Please make sure to be logged in with your customer account in order to collect points.
I bought M&H shoes in another shop, can I get points for this purchase?
Unfortunately no, the Loyalty Program only works on the official Melvin & Hamilton Online Shop.
How do I get my free product?
If you get offered a product because you have reached a certain membership status, the product is free of charge. However, the general terms and conditions of the shipping costs apply, so you might need to pay for the shipping costs.
When will I receive the points after having inserted my birthday?
You will get your points on your actual birthday and not immediately. If your birthday is in less than 30 days, it does not work automatically technically due to fraud prevention. You can then contact our Client Service which will gladly insert it in the backoffice for you.
What is the Double Points Week?
You can enjoy double points for all orders made on our webshop from 21st to 28th of February included, meaning you will receive 4 points for every EUR spent!